Friday, September 12, 2014

Reading Workshop | Getting into the Groove

The past few weeks have been wonderful;  getting to know my students, enjoying the classroom and school days and teaching!  After assessing each student, I am now ready to officially start my Reading Workshop model.  The past few weeks, I've kicked of workshop with "What is Reading Workshop" and "What is a Good Reader?" and also started some classroom work (I am using my "I do, we do, you do" model for my first book report which is approaching on September 25th.

At home I have forming my groups with my notes and we are ready!  Let me explain.....

This is my Reading Workshop schedule for the kiddos.  I've planned it so they all meet with me at least once a week and/or with another teacher.  I currently have one other teacher that supports the students during this specific time.  I have a daily group (my 2:15 group).  When not in a teacher group two things are either happening.  They are using the computers or listening center or working independently.  The little chart is how they know when to do that.  I've worked it out so everyone gets on the computer/listening center and meets with me.  It's all very timed.

This week we have been modeling/practicing for our upcoming book report.  I've created mini anchor charts on my focus wall so the students can keep track of their learning.  I can not take the credit for some of the items that I am utilizing.  The book report is my own idea (modeled after a dodecahedron) but the anchor charts are from:
Anchor ChartsReading Skills and StrategiesSettings